пятница, 20 марта 2009 г.

Younger people opt for hip and knee surgery

Original: Younger people opt for hip and knee surgery

Increasing numbers of people are deciding to have joint replacement surgery in their forties and fifties rather than waiting until later on in life. That's according to a survey carried out by hipandkneenetwork.co.uk, which found that although the majority of patients were over the age of 60 when they had their surgery, a surprising 12 percent were aged between 41 and 50 years old, and a further 27 percent were in the 51 to 60 age bracket. This makes private health insurance an increasingly attractive option, as waiting lists for operations such as joint replacements can often be lengthy and with even more people considering the option a t='1' src='http://res1.blogblog.com/tracker/1515107372392826805-2878074696151690865?l=www.freedomhealthnet.com%2Fblog'/>

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